Sonntag, 24. Juli 2011

Sisters of Battle:Gerüchte

Nachdem ja in kürze der "neue" Sisters-Codex erscheint gibt es hier bereits den ersten Sneak zu sehen :) Ein paar Sachen fehlen zwar noch aber ich denke das man dennoch einen guten Einblick erhält in die Armee. Doch genug der Worte, hier die neuesten GW Daten!!

Sisters of Battle
Army Special Rules
The Acts of Faith system
At the start of your Movement phases you generate D6 Faith Points. Any Faith Points that are unused at the end of YOUR turn are lost.
Tests of Faith
An Act of Faith can be attempted immediately before a Sisters of Battle unit acts during a phase; e.g. before the unit Moves, Shoots (or runs) or Assaults.
Each attempt costs 1 Faith Point, if test if failed the point is lost.
To attempt an Act of Faith, select the unit and reduce your Faith Points by 1, then roll a D6 and add the following:
+1 if the unit is led by a Superior (Sister, Celestian, Dominion or Seraphim) or Mistress of Repentance.
+1 if the unit has been joined by a Canoness, Confessor, Saint Celestine, Uriah Jacobus or Arch-Confessor Kyrinov
+1 if the unit has taken at least 1 casualty
All modifiers are cumulative (so with 1 IC in a unit with a Superior that has taken at least 1 casualty only needs a 2+ to be successful)
If the total is equal to or greater than 5 the Act of Faith is successful, the unit immediately gains a bonus and/or special rules until the end of the phase.

Independent Characters and Acts of Faith
IC that have the Acts of Faith rule benefit from any bonuses received by the unit they are with when an Act of Faith is used, likewise the unit receives any bonuses from the ICs Acts of Faith when they are successful. Note you still have to perform 2 different Tests of Faith if you want to use both the ICs and the units Act of Faith.

Shield of Faith
Models with the Shield of Faith special rule have a 6+ invulnerable save.

Special Characters
Saint Celestine
7/7/3/3/3/7/5/10/2+ 4++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, IC, Fearless, Shield of Faith
Miraculous Intervention: When killed remove model and place a token, from then on roll a D6 at the start of your turn. On a 4+ Celestine comes back with D3 wounds and placed within 1” of the token. If she would be within 1” of another model (friend and foe?) move her the minimum distance possible so she is not within 1”. She can act normally in a turn in which she resurrects. She does not award a kill point if she is alive on the battlefield at the end of the game.

Wargear: Frag, krak, jump pack
Armour of Saint Katherine: Confers a 2+ armour save and 4++ invulnerable save
The Ardent Blade: Power weapon that always wounds on 4+ (unless a lower roll is required). Can also be fired like a Heavy Flamer (Template: S5 AP4 Assault1)

Arch-Confessor Kyrinov
5/5/3/3/3/4/3/10/5+ 4++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Fearless, IC, Righteous Rage, Shield of Faith
Heightened Fervour: Counts as having both a Laud Hailer and Simulacrum Imperialis

Wargear: Flak armour, bolt pistol, frag, krak and rosarius
Mace of Valaan: Power weapon, any model that suffers an unsaved Wound is reduced to Initiative 1 until the end of the following player turn.
Icon of Chiros: All friendly units within 6” are Fearless

Uriah Jacobus, Protector of the Faith
5/5/3/3/3/4/3/10/5+ 4++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Righteous Rage, Stubborn, IC, Shield of Faith
Protector of the Faith: While alive you can re-roll the dice to determine the number of Faith Points you have each turn.

Wargear: Flak armour, bolt pistol, chainsword, frag, krag, rosarius
The Redeemer: His personal shotgun (24” S4 Ap4 Assault 2)
The Banner of Sanctity: Models in Jacobus unit have +1A and Feel no Pain

5/5/3/3/3/4/3/10/3+ 6++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, IC, Stubborn, Shield of Faith
Act of Faith = The Passion – Assault Phase: Canoness and her unit receives +1I and Preferred Enemy special rule until the end of the Assault phase.
Wargear: Power armour, boltgun, bolt pistol, frag, krak

Sororitas Command Squad
Celestian 4/4/3/3/1/3/2/9/3+ 6++
Sister Dialogus 3/4/3/3/1/3/1/9/3+ 6++
Sister Hospitaller 3/4/3/3/1/3/1/9/3+ 6++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Shield of Faith
Act of Faith = Endless Crusade – Movement Phase: Unit gains Relentless and Move Through Cover special rules until the end of the turn.

Wargear: Power armour, boltgun (Celestians only), bolt pistol, frag, krak, Chirurgeon’s tools (Sister Hostpitaller only), Laud Hailer (Sister Dialogus only).

Battle Sisters
Battle Sisters 3/4/3/3/1/3/1/8/3+ 6++
Sister Superior 3/4/3/3/1/3/2/9/3+ 6++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Shield of Faith
Wargear: Power armour, boltgun, bolt pistol, frag, krak
Act of Faith = Light of the Emperor – Movement Phase: Unit immediately regroups, despite any normal restrictions (enemy within 6”, less than 50%).
Shooting and Assault Phase: Unit can re-roll any failed To Hit rolls of a 1 until the end of the phase.
This Act of Faith can be used in two or more phases if you choose but each attempt costs 1FP and requires a Test of Faith

Celsetian 4/4/3/3/1/3/2/9/3+ 6++
Celestian Superior 4/4/3/3/1/3/2/8/3+ 6++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Shield of Faith
Act of Faith = Hand of the Emperor – Assault Phase: +1S and Fearless until the end of the phase
Wargear: Power armour, boltgun, bolt pistol, frag, krak

Sister Repentia
Sister Repentia 4/4/3/3/1/3/2/8/- 6++
Mistress of Repentance 4/4/3/3/1/3/2/9/3+ 6++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Fearless, Feel no Pain, Fleet, Rage, Shield of Faith
Act of Faith = Spirit of the Martyr – Assault Phase: Models killed may make a single attack once all other attacks have been resolved.
Wargear: A Sister Repentia has an Eviscerator; a Mistress of Penitence has power armour, two neural whips, frag and krak

Ecclesiarchy Confessor 5/5/3/3/3/4/3/10/5+ 4++
Ecclesiarchy Preacher 3/3/3/3/1/4/2/7/5+ 4++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, IC, Shield of Faith
Righteous Rage: When a model with this rule assaults the unit may re-roll to hit.
Wargear: Flag armour, laspistol, chainsword, frag, krak, rosarius

Ecclesiarch Battle Conclaves
Arco-Flagellants 5/3/4/3/1/3/4/8/-
Crusader 4/3/3/3/1/3/1/8/5+ 3++
Death Cult Assassin 5/3/4/3/1/6/2/8/5+ 5++
Special Rules: Feel no Pain (Arco-flagellants only).
Uncanny Reflexes: Death Cult Assassins has a 5++ invulnerable save
Wargear: A Crusader has flak armour, power weapon and storm shield.
An Arco-Flagellant has arco-flails (close combat weapon).
A Death Cult Assassin has flak armour and two power weapons.

Fast Attack
Seraphim 4/4/3/3/1/3/1/8/3+ 6++
Seraphim Superior 4/4/3/3/1/3/2/9/3+ 6++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Hit and Run, Shield of Faith
Act of Faith = The Emperor’s Deliverance – Shooting Phase: Re-roll any failed To Wound rolls until the end of the phase.
Seraphim Pistols: Any model in a Seraphim squad that is armed with two pistols can fire both in the Shooting Phase. If they do so, they can fire no other weapon that turn.
Angelic Visage: Seraphim re-roll failed Act of Faith rolls and failed Invulnerable saves granted by the Shield of Faith special rule
Wargear: Power armour, two bolt pistols, frag, krak, jump pack

Dominion 3/4/3/3/1/3/1/8/3+ 6++
Dominion Superior 3/4/3/3/1/3/2/9/3+ 6++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Scouts, Shield of Faith
Act of Faith = Holy Fusillade – Shooting Phase: All weapons in unit becomes twin-linked until the end of the phase
Wargear: Power armour, boltgun, bolt pistol, frag, krak

Heavy Support
Retributor 3/4/3/3/1/3/1/8/3+ 6++
Retributor Superior 3/4/3/3/1/3/2/9/3+ 6++
Special Rules: Acts of Faith, Shield of Faith
Act of Faith = Divine Guidance – Shooting Phase: All weapons in unit become Rending until the end of the phase
Wargear: Power armour, boltgun, bolt pistol, frag, krak

BS4 13/11/10
Special Rules: Shield of Faith
Wargear: Exorcist missile launcher, smoke launchers

Penitent Engines
4/2/5(10)/3/D6+1 11/11/10
Unit Type: Walker, Open-topped
Special Rules: Rage, Shield of Faith
Unstoppable Rampage: Penitent Engines ignore any crew shaken and crew stunned results on the Vehicle Damage tables.
Battle Frenzy: Every unsaved wound inflicted in close combat generates an additional attack. These extra attacks do not generate further additional attacks.
Wargear: 2 DCCW with built in Heavy Flamers. Note that the bonus for being equipped with 2 DCCWs is already included in the PEs profile

Dedicated Transports
BS4 11/11/10
Transport: 10 models, it cannot transport models in Terminator armour.
Fire Points: 2 from top hatch
Access Points: 1 on each side and one at the rear
Special Rules: Shield of Faith
Repair: If immobilised for any reason can attempt to repair instead of shooting. On a D6 roll of 6 the vehicle is no longer immobilised.
Wargear: Storm bolter, smoke launchers

BS 4 11/11/10
Transport: 6 models, it cannot transport models in Terminator armour.
Fire Points: None
Access Points: 1 on each side and one at the rear
Special Rules: Shield of Faith
Wargear: Twin-linked heavy flamer, smoke launchers

Mittwoch, 20. Juli 2011

ETC Wochen Teil 2: Die Favoriten

Das ETC rückt mit Riesenschritten näher und die Vorbereitungen im Hintergrund laufen auf Hochtouren um gegen die Nord Iren einen Sieg zu holen - es wird gepaart, getestet, analysiert bis ins letzte Detail...kurz um: wir wollen den Sieg zum Auftakt!!
Da ich jedoch hier keine Details verraten kann widme ich mich im 2ten Teil des ETC Reports den Favoriten und deren Listen. Sind sie Mainstream? Haben sie ein paar exotische Varianten mit denen keiner rechnen konnte? Welchen Plan verfolgen sie, wo liegen eventuelle Schwachpunkte?
Werfen wir also einen Blick auf die polnischen, deutschen und schwedischen Listen... mal sehen was die so mitnehmen!


Player: Philipp "PhiSt" Streckmann

Army: Orkz

HQ1 : Big Mek (35), Kustom force shield (50), boss pole(5) [90]

Elite1 : 5 Lootaz (5×15) :[75]

Elite2 : 5 Lootaz (5×15) :[75]

Troop 1 : 30 Boyz(30×6) nob(10) power claw(25) boss pole (5): [220]

Troop 2 : 30 Boyz(30×6) nob(10) power claw(25) boss pole (5): [220]

Troop 3 : 29 Boyz(29×6) shootaz (free) nob(10) power claw(25): [209]

Troop 4 : 29 Boyz(29×6) shootaz (free) nob(10) power claw(25) boss pole (5): [214]

Troop 5 : 25 Boyz(25×6) shootaz (free) nob(10) power claw(25) 2 big shootaz (2×5): [195]

FA1: Deffkopta (35) buzzsaw(25) :[60]

HS1: 3 Killa kans (3×35) 3xgrotzooka(3×10) :[135]

HS2: 3 Killa kans (3×35) 3xgrotzooka(3×10) :[135]

HS3: 3 Killa kans (3×35) 3xbig shootaz(3×5) :[120]

Total: 1748 pts

Player: Roland Zaglauer, vip-user (Captain)

ARMY DESCRIPTION : Chaos Space Marines

HQ 1: Daemon Prince (110)+ Wings (20)+ Mark of Slaanesh (5)+ Lash of Submission (20)= 155 pts

HQ 2: Daemon Prince (110)+ Wings (20)+ Mark of Slaanesh (5)+ Lash of Submission (20)= 155 pts

Elite 1: 3 Chaos Terminators (90) + 3x combi-meltagun (3×5) = 105 pts in Transport 1

Elite 2: 3 Chaos Terminators (90) + 3x combi-meltagun (3×5) = 105 pts in Transport 2

Troop 1: 5 Chaos Space Marines 75 pts

Troop 2: 5 Chaos Space Marines 75 pts

Troop 3: 5 Chaos Space Marines (75) + Flamer (5) = 80 pts in Transport 3

HS 1: 3 Obliterators 225 pts

HS 2: 2 Obliterators 150 pts

HS 3: 2 Obliterators 150 pts

Transport 1: Chaos Land Raider [Terminator Squad (Elite 1)] 220 pts

Transport 2: Chaos Land Raider [Terminator Squad (Elite 2)] 220 pts

Transport 3: Chaos Rhino [Chaos Space Marines Squad (Troop 3)] 35 pts

Total: 1750 pts

Player: Simon Oerding, braindead


HQ: Company Command Squad (50) + 3 Meltaguns (30) + Banner (15) + Laspistol (free) = 95 pts in Transport 1

Elite 1: 6 Battle Psykers + Overseer = 80 pts

Troop 1: Platoon Command Squad (30) + 4 Meltaguns (40) = 70 pts in Transport 2

Infantry Squad (50) + Commissar (35) = 85 pts

Infantry Squad (50) = 50 pts

Heavy Weapon Team (60) + 3 autocannons (15) = 75 pts

Heavy Weapon Team (60) + 3 autocannons (15) = 75 pts

Troop2: Veteran Squad (70) + 3 plasma guns (45) = 115 pts in Transport 3

FA1: Vendetta Gunship = 130 pts

FA2: Vendetta Gunship = 130 pts

FA3: Vendetta Gunship = 130 pts

HS1: Manticore (160) + heavy flamer = 160 pts

HS2: Manticore (160) + heavy flamer = 160 pts

HS3: Leman Russ Executioner (190) + plasma sponsons (40) + hull heavy bolter = 230 pts

Transport 1: Chimera (55) + heavy flamer [HQ] = 55 pts

Transport 2: Chimera (55) + heavy flamer [Troop1] = 55 pts

Transport 2: Chimera (55) + heavy bolter [Troop2] = 55 pts

Total: 1750 pts

Player: Jakob Salzmann, Amasec

ARMY DESCRIPTION : Witch Hunters - using inducted imperial guard

HQ 1 : inquisitor lord (45) with psychic hood (20), Excruciators (5), Psi-tracker (15) , Hammer of the witches (20) = 105 pts

Retinue: 3 warriors (30) with 3 plasmaguns (30) = 60 pts

HQ 2: Canoness (45) with Eviscerator (25), Book of St. Lucius (5) =75 pts

Troop 1 : 5 inquisitorial storm troopers (50), 2 plasmaguns (20) = 70 pts

Troop 2 : 5 inquisitorial storm troopers (50), 2 plasmaguns (20) = 70 pts

Troop 3 : Inducted imperial guard platoon:

- platoon command (30) with power fist (15), 4 meltaguns (40) = 85 pts in Transport 1

- 1. infantry squad (50) with 1 meltagun (10) = 60 pts

- 2. infantry squad (50) with 1 meltagun (10) = 60 pts

Troop 4 : Inducted imperial guard platoon:

- platoon command (30) with 4 meltaguns (40) = 70 pts in Transport 2

- 1. infantry squad (50) with 1 Lascannon (20) = 70 pts in Transport 3

- 2. infantry squad (50) with 1 Lascannon (20) = 70 pts in Transport 4

FA 1: 2*Scout Sentinels (70) with 2 Autocannons (10) = 80 pts

FA 2: 2*Scout Sentinels (70) with 2 Lascannons (30) = 100 pts

FA 3: 2*Amoured Sentinels (110) with 2*Plasma Cannons (40) = 150 pts

HS 1: Exorzist = 135

HS 2: Exorzist = 135

HS 3: Exorzist = 135

Transport 1: Chimera (55) + heavy flamer [Troop3] = 55 pts

Transport 2: Chimera (55) + heavy flamer [Troop4] = 55 pts

Transport 3: Chimera (55) + heavy bolter [Troop4] = 55 pts

Transport 4: Chimera (55) + heavy bolter [Troop4] = 55 pts

Total: 1750 pts

Player: Fritz Peters, Lews Therin Telamon


HQ1: Librarian (150), Nemesis-Force-Sword, Quicksilver (5), Might of Titan (5), Sanctuary (5), Shrouding (5) = 170 pts

HQ2: Inquisitor of Ordo Xenos (25), 3 Servoskulls (9), Psykotroke Grenades (15) = 49 pts

Elite 1: Vindicare Assassin = 145 pts.

Elite 2: Techmarine (90), Conversionbeamer (20) = 110 pts.

Elite 3: Inquisitorial Henchmen: 2 Jokaero Weaponsmith (70), 4 Warrior Acolytes(16) = 86

Troops 1: 10 Grey Knight Terminators (400), 7 Nemesis-Force-Halberds, 1 Nemesis-Daemonhammer, Justicar with Nemesis-Force-Halberd, Brotherhood banner (25), 2 Psycannons (50), Psybolt Ammunition (20)= 495

Troops 2: 10 Grey Knights (200), 7 Nemesis-Force-Swords, Justicar with Nemesis-Force-Sword, 2 Psycannons (20), Psybolt-Ammunition (20) = 240 pts. in Transport 1

HS 1: Cybot (115), twin-linked Autocannon (5), twin-linked Autocannon (10), Psybolt-Ammunition (5) = 135 pts.

HS 2: Cybot (115), twin-linked Autocannon (5), twin-linked Autocannon (10), Psybolt-Ammunition (5) = 135 pts.

HS 3: Cybot (115), twin-linked Autocannon (5), twin-linked Autocannon (10), Psybolt-Ammunition (5) = 135 pts.

Transport 1: Razorback (45) + Heavy Bolter, Psi-active Ammunition [Troops 2] = 50 pts

Total 1750 pts.

Player: Jannik „greensword“ Röttgen

Army: Eldar

HQ1: Farseer (55), with witchblade & shuriken pistol (0), eldar jetbike (30), runes of warding (15), runes of witnessing (10), spirit stones (20), “Fortune” (30), “Mind War” (20), “Doom” (25) [205pts]

HQ1b: Seer council, 8 Warlocks (8×25=200), eldar jetbikes (8×20=160), 5 witchblades & shuriken pistols (5×0=0), 3 singing spears (3×3=9) , 2 “Embolden” (2×5=10), 1 “Enhance” (15) [394pts]

Elite1: 5 Fire Dragons (5×16=80) in Transport 1 [80pts]

Elite2: 5 Fire Dragons (5×16=80) in Transport 2 [80pts]

Troop 1: 3 Eldar guardians on jetbike (3×22=66), 1 shuriken canon(10) [76pts]

Troop 2: 5 Dire Avengers (5×12=60) in Transport 3 [60pts]

Troop 3: 5 Dire Avengers (5×12=60) [60pts]

HS1: 3 War Walkers (3×30=90), 6 scatter lasers (6×15=90) [180pts]

HS2: 2 War Walkers (2×30=60), 4 scatter lasers (4×15=60) [120pts]

HS3: 2 War Walkers (2×30=60), 4 scatter lasers (4×15=60) [120pts]

Transport1: Wave Serpent (90), twin-linked scatter laser(25), spirit stones (10). Transporting Elite1 [125pts]

Transport2: Wave Serpent (90), twin-linked scatter laser(25), spirit stones (10). Transporting Elite2 [125pts]

Transport3: Wave Serpent (90), twin-linked scatter laser(25), spirit stones (10). Transporting Troop2 [125pts]

TOTAL [1750pts]

Player: Kayu „Fenneq“ Orellana

Army: Space Wulves

HQ1: Wolflord (100p), Saga of the bear (35), 1 x powerfist (25), 1 x Stormshield (30), thunderwolf (45), Runearmor (20), wolvetail talisman (5) [260p]

HQ2: Runepriest (100), chooser of the slain(10), living lightning(0), jaws(0) [110p]

HQ3: Runepriest (100), wolftail talisman (5), chooser of the slain (10), murderous hurricane (0), jaws (0) [115p]

Elite1: Dreadnought (105), dccw (0), Stormbolter(0),assaultcannon(0) [105 ]

Elite2: 5 Wolfscouts (5x15), Meltagun(10) [85]

Elite3: 3 Wolveguards in servopants (3x18):

I. 1 x Kombi-Flamer(5), Powerfist (20)

II. Kombimeltagun (5), Powerfist (20),

III. Kombimeltagun(5), Powerfist (20)

2 Terminator-Guards (2x33):

I. 1 x Stormbolter(0), 1 x Cyclonemissilelauncher (30), 1 x Powerweapon (0),

II. 1 x Kombimeltagun (5), 1 x Chainfist (15) [245p]

troops1: 6 Greyhunters (6x15), Meltagun(5), Wolfbanner(10) in Transport 1 [105p]

troops2: 6 Greyhunters (6x15), Meltagun(5), Wolfbanner(10) in Transport 2 [105p]

troops3: 6 Greyhunters (6x15), Meltagun(5), Wolfbanner(10) in Transport 3 [105p]

troops1: 5 Greyhunters (5x15), Meltagun(5) in Transport 4 [80p]

FA1: 5 fenrisian wolves (5x8) [40p]

FA2: 1 Landspeeder (50), 1x Multimelta (10) [60p]

HS1: 6 Longfangs (6x15), 2 x Missilelauncher (2x10), 3 x Lascannons (3x25), Grimwolf (0) [185p]

Transport 1: Rhino (35), dozerblade(5) [40p]

Transport 2: Rhino (35), dozerblade(5) [40p]

Transport 3: droppod (35) [35p]

Transport 4: Rhino (35) [35p]

Total Points Space Wolves : 1750

Player: Denis Müller

Army: Blood Angels

HQ1: Reclusiarch,(130p), 1 x powerfist (15), [145p]

Elite1: Furioso-Dreadnought (125), Blood Fist(0), frag-cannon(0),melta(0), searchlight (1) Transport1[ 161 ]

Elite2: Furioso-Dreadnought (125), Librarian (50) [175] Wings + Shield of Sanguinius

Elite3: Furioso-Dreadnought (125), Librarian (50) [175] Wings + Shield of Sanguinius

troops1: Assault Squad, 5xAssault Marine, Meltagun (10pts), Power Fist (25pts) in Dedicated Transport #2 [161pts]

troops2: Assault Squad, 5xAssault Marine, Meltagun (10pts), Power Fist (25pts) in Dedicated Transport #3 [161pts]

troops3: Assault Squad, 5xAssault Marine, Meltagun (10pts), in Dedicated Transport #4 [131pts]

FA1: Baal-Predator, (115), Heavy Bolter(30p.), Dozer Blade (5pts), Searchlight (1pts) [151p.]

FA2: Scout-Bike-S. 3 xScout BikerKombi-Melter (10), Melterbomben (5) [85p]

HS1: Predator, Lascannon Sponsons (65pts) [135pts]

HS2: Predator, Lascannon Sponsons (65pts) [135pts]

HS3: Predator, Lascannon Sponsons (65pts) [135pts]

Transport 1: Dro-Pod [35p]

Transport 2: Razorback, Heavy Bolter, Dozer Blade (5pts), Searchlight (1pts) [26pts]

Transport 3: Razorback, Heavy Flamer, Dozer Blade (5pts), Searchlight (1pts) [26pts]

Transport 4: Razorback, Heavy Bolter, , Searchlight (1pts) [21pts]

Total Points Blood Angels : 1750

Tja,schauen wir mal. Sie haben Massenorks, wie letztes Jahr (wo Winnie ihn zur Verzweiflung trieb im Einzelturnier), Roland mit seinen Chaoten (ebenfalls keine Veränderung, wozu auch?!). Die Imps sind ein wenig seltsam, ohne Hydren und mit Standarte im Kommandotrupp...da finde ich hier zb unseren Build besser. Allerdings kann man davon ausgehen das sich Simon seine Gedanken gemacht hat dazu.

Selbes gilt für die GK die weder Palas NOCH Purifier mithaben, dafür aber einen 10er Termitrupp als Standard und einer Assassine die ziemlich sicher viele Leute nerven wird wenn sie in Deckung steht(evtl noch eine befestigte Ruine...outch) und Panzer zerlegt. Ob das allerdings der Weg ist wird sich zeigen, die Liste bedient auf jeden Fall ein sehr breites Spektrum.

Damit kommen wir auch schon zu den Witchhuntern, den eigentlichen Imps. Hier stechen die 6 Sentinels heraus sowie die Tatsache das sich nicht eine einzige Sister in der Liste befindet. Ich schätze mal das diese Liste des öfteren gesetzt werden wird da sie die einzige "schwäche" der Imps locker ausgleicht:fehlende Psiabwehr!!

Zu den Eldar muss man nicht viel sagen vermute ich, einzig dass sie ähnlich uns KEINE Dark Eldar mitgenommen haben(und damit definitiv zu den Ausnahmen am ETC gehören) und statt Falcons auf massig Läufer setzen. Eine ähnliche Liste wurde bei uns ebenfalls diskutiert, dann aber wieder verworfen da wir lieber auf das Aggroelement mit Doppelrat setzen :) Trotzdem geb ich zu:mir gefällt die Liste, sehr gut sogar!!

Die SW sind dann wiederum ähnlich den BA ein wenig unkonventionell: Lord auf Wolf, dazu nur 1x Longfangs? Hier hat sich ganz klar der Spieler selbst(Kayu) was überlegt und nicht einfach nur kopiert bzw den Maintream adaptiert. Selbiges natürlich bei den BA, wobei Dennis ja bereits bekannt ist für seine seltsamen Listen-der Erfolg gibt allerdings beiden Recht.

Ob es allerdings genug Deckung gibt um die zwei fliegenden Bots an den Mann zu bringen ist mehr als nur fraglich!!

Unterm Strich haben die Deutschen einige ungewohnte Listen dabei, was sie (und natürlich auch dank der Spieler) einmal mehr zu einem der Topfavoriten macht da hier einige der normalen Turnierlisten mitunter Probleme bekommen werden...mehr als ihnen lieb ist!


PLAYER 1: Jeppa Resmark

ARMY DESCRIPTION : (Codex: Imperial guard)

HQ1 : Company commad squad(50), 4x meltaguns(40), Transport1 [90pts]

Elite1 : Psyker battle squad(60), 1x additional psyker(10), Transport2 [70pts]

Troop1 : Platoon command squad(30), 2x meltaguns(20), Auto cannon(10), Transport3 [60pts]

Troop2 : Infantry squad(50), Auto cannon(10), Transport4 [60pts]

Troop3 : Infantry squad(50), Auto cannon(10), Transport5 [60pts]

Troop4 : Platoon command squad(30), 2x meltaguns(20), Auto cannon(10), Transport6 [60pts]

Troop5 : Infantry squad(50), Auto cannon(10), Transport7 [60pts]

Troop6 : Infantry squad(50), Grenade launcher(5) [55pts]

FA1: Vendetta gunship(130) [130pts]

FA2: Vendetta gunship(130) [130pts]

FA3: Vendetta gunship(130) [130pts]

HS1: 2 Hydras(150) [150pts]

HS2: 2 Hydras(150) [150pts]

HS3: Manticore(160) [160pts]

Transport1 : Chimera(55), Multilaser(0), Heavy bolter(0), HQ1 [55pts]

Transport2 : Chimera(55), Multilaser(0), Heavy bolter(0), Elite1 [55pts]

Transport3 : Chimera(55), Multilaser(0), Heavy bolter(0), Troop1 [55pts]

Transport4 : Chimera(55), Multilaser(0), Heavy bolter(0), Troop2 [55pts]

Transport5 : Chimera(55), Multilaser(0), Heavy bolter(0), Troop3 [55pts]

Transport6 : Chimera(55), Multilaser(0), Heavy bolter(0), Troop4 [55pts]

Transport7 : Chimera(55), Multilaser(0), Heavy bolter(0), Troop5 [55pts]

TOTAL [1749pts]

PLAYER 2: Andreas "Dolmen" Holm

ARMY DESCRIPTION : (codex: Eldar)

HQ1 : Avatar(155)[155pts]

HQ2 : Farseer(55), Runes of Warding(15), Runes of Witnessing(10), Spirit Stones(20), Singing Spear(3), Fortune(30), Guide(20), Doom(25)[178pts]

Elite1 : 7 Fire Dragons(112), Transport1[112pts]

Elite2 : 7 Fire Dragons(112), Transport2[112pts]

Troop 1 : 10 Guardians(80), Brightlance(30)[110pts]

Troop 2 : 10 Guardians(80), Brightlance(30)[110pts]

Troop 3 : 5 Dire Avengers(60)[60pts]

Troop 4 : 3 Jetbikes(66), Shuriken cannon(10)[76pts]

Troop 5 : 3 Jetbikes(66), Shuriken cannon(10)[76pts]

HS1: Falcon(115), Missil Launcher(20), Spirit Stones(10), Holo-Field(35)[180pts]

HS2: 3 War Walkers(90), 6x Scatterlasers(90)[180pts]

HS3: 3 War Walkers(90), 6x Scatterlasers(90)[180pts]

Transport1 : Wave Serpent(90), Spirit Stones(10), Twin-Shurikencannons(10), Elite1[110pts]

Transport2 : Wave Serpent(90), Spirit Stones(10), Twin-Shurikencannons(10), Elite2[110pts]

TOTAL [1749pts]

PLAYER 3: Andreas Cadelin

ARMY DESCRIPTION : (codex: Blood angels)

HQ1 : Librarian(100), Terminator Armor and stormshield (45), Unleash rage(0), Fear of the Darkness(0) [145pts]

Elite1 : Assault Terminators x6 (240), 4xThunderhammer & Stormshield(20) [260pts]

Elite2 : Sanguinary Priest x2

Sanguinary Priest 1(50), [50pts]

Sanguinary Priest 2(50), Jump Pack(25), [75pts]

Troop 1 : Assaultmarinesx10 (190), Jumppack(0), meltagunx2 (20), Powerfist(25) [235pts]

Troop 2 : Assaultmarinesx10 (190), Jumppack(0), meltagunx2 (20), Powerfist(25) [235pts]

Troop 3 : Assaultmarinesx10 (190), Jumppack(0), meltagunx2 (20), powerweapon(15) [225pts]

FA1: Attackbike(40), Multimelta(10) [50pts]

FA2: Attackbike*2(80), Multimelta*2(20) [100pts]

FA3: Attackbike*2(80), Multimelta*2(20) [100pts]

Transport1 : Landraider Crusader(250), Extra Armor (15), Multimelta(10), Elite 1 [275pts]

TOTAL [1750pts]

PLAYER 4 : David Gustafsson

ARMY DESCRIPTION : (codex: Space wolves)

HQ1 : Wolf Lord(100), Runic Armour(20), Thunderwolf Mount(45), 2x Fenrisian wolves(20), Wolftail Talisman(5), Saga of the Majesty(15), Power Fist(25), Storm Shield(30) [260pts]

HQ2 : Rune Priest(100), Jaws of the World Wolf(0), Living Lightning(0), Chooser of the Slain(10) [ 110pts]

Elite1 : Wolf guard pack x3(54), 3x Power fist(60), 3x combi-melta(15) [129pts]

Troop 1 : 7 Grey Hunters(105), Wolf Standard(10), Melta Gun(5), Transport1 [120pts]

Troop 2 : 7 Grey Hunters(105), Wolf Standard(10), Melta Gun(5), Transport2 [120pts]

Troop 3 : 6 Grey Hunters(90), Wolf Standard (10), Melta Gun(5), Transport3 [105pts]

Troop 4 : 5 Grey Hunters (75), Flamer(0), Transport4 [75pts]

FA2: Thunderwolf cavalry x4(200)

Thunderwolf 1, Storm shield(30)

Thunderwolf 2, Power fist(25)

Thunderwolf 3,

Thunderwolf 4, Boltgun(0) [255pts]

HS1: 6 Long Fangs(90), 5x Missile Launcher (50) [140pts]

HS2: 6 Long Fangs(90), 5x Missile Launcher (50) [140pts]

HS3: 5 Long Fangs(75), 4x Missile Launcher (40) [115pts]

Transport1 : Rhino(35), Troop1 [35pts]

Transport2 : Rhino(35), Troop2 [35pts]

Transport3 : Rhino(35), Troop3 [35pts]

Transport4 : Razorback(40), Twinlinked lascannon(35), Troop4 [75pts]

PLAYER 5: (Joakim Engström)

ARMY DESCRIPTION : (codex: Orks)

HQ1 : Warboss(60), Megaarmour(40), Bosspole(5) [105]

HQ2 : Big Mek, Kustom Force Field(50), Eavy Armour(5) [90]

Elite1 : 3 Meganobs, (120), Kombi-Scorcha(5), Kombi-Rokkit(5), Transport 1 [130]

Troop 1 : 3 Meganobs, (120), Kombi-Scorcha(5), Kombi-Rokkit(5), Transport 2 [130]

Troop 2 : 17 Slugga Boys(102), Nob(10), Power Klaw(25), Bosspole(5) [142]

Troop 3 : 17 Slugga Boys(102), Nob(10), Power Klaw(25), Bosspole(5) [142]

Troop 4 : 17 Shoota Boys(102), Nob(10), Power Klaw(25), Bosspole(5) [142]

Troop 5 : 11 Grots(33), Runtherd(10) [43]

FA1: 2 Warbuggies(60), Twin-Big Shoota(0) [60]

FA2: 2 Warbuggies(60), Twin-Rokkit [70]

FA3: 2 Warbuggies(60), Twin-Rokkit [70]

HS1: Battlewagon(90), Deathrolla, (20), Red Paint Job(5), Grot Riggas(5), Big Shoota (5)[125]

HS2: Battlewagon(90), Deathrolla, (20), Red Paint Job(5), Grot Riggas(5), Big Shoota (5) [125]

HS3: Battlewagon(90), Deathrolla, (20), Red Paint Job(5), Grot Riggas(5), Big Shoota (5) [125]

Transport1 : Battlewagon(90), Deathrolla, (20), Red Paint Job(5), Grot Riggas(5), Big Shoota (5), Elite 1 [125]

Transport2 : Battlewagon(90), Deathrolla, (20), Red Paint Job(5), Grot Riggas(5), Big Shoota (5), Troop 1 [125]

TOTAL [1749pts]

PLAYER 6: Pär Nordlund (speedfreek)

ARMY DESCRIPTION : (codex: Dark Eldar)

HQ1 : Archon(60), Shadow field(30), Agoniser(20), Blaster(15) [125]

Elite1 : 4 trueborns(48), 4 Blasters(60) in Transport1 [108]

Elite2 : 4 trueborns(48), 4 Blasters(60) in Transport2 [108]

Elite3 : 4 trueborns(48), 4 Blasters(60) in Transport3 [108]

Troop1 : 5 Kabalite Warriors(45), Blaster(15) in Transport4 [60]

Troop2 : 5 Kabalite Warriors(45), Blaster(15) in Transport5 [60]

Troop3 : 5 Kabalite Warriors(45), Blaster(15) in Transport6 [60]

Troop4 : 5 Kabalite Warriors(45), Blaster(15) in Transport7 [60]

Troop5 : 5 Wyches(50), Haywire grenades(10) in Transport8 [60]

Troop6 : 5 Wyches(50), Haywire grenades(10) in Transport9 [60]

HS1: Ravager(105), Flicker Field(10), Shock Prow(5) [120]

HS2: Ravager(105), Flicker Field(10), Shock Prow(5) [120]

HS3: Ravager(105), Flicker Field(10) [115]

Transport1 : Venom(55), Splinter Cannon(10) Elite1 [65]

Transport2 : Venom(55), Splinter Cannon(10) Elite2 [65]

Transport3 : Venom(55), Splinter Cannon(10) Elite3 [65]

Transport4 : Venom(55), Splinter Cannon(10) Troop1 [65]

Transport5 : Venom(55), Splinter Cannon(10) Troop2 [65]

Transport6 : Venom(55), Splinter Cannon(10) Troop3 [65]

Transport7 : Venom(55), Splinter Cannon(10) Troop4 [65]

Transport8 : Venom(55), Splinter Cannon(10) Troop5 [65]

Transport9 : Venom(55), Splinter Cannon(10) Troop6 [65]

TOTAL [1750pts]

PLAYER 7: Pär Hylander

ARMY DESCRIPTION : (codex: Grey Knights)

HQ1 : Librarian(150), The Shrouding(5), Quicksilver(5), Sanctuary(5), 3x Servo-skulls(15) [(180)pts]

Elite1 : Venerable Dreadnought(175), Twin-linked Autocannon(10),Twin-linked Autocannon(5), Psybolt ammunition(5) [(195)pts]

Elite2 : Venerable Dreadnought(175), Twin-linked Autocannon(10),Twin-linked Autocannon(5), Psybolt ammunition(5) [(195)pts]

Elite3 : 5x Purifiers(120), 2x Nemesis Daemon Hammer(10), 2x Nemesis Falchions(10) [(140)pts]

Troop 1 : 5x Grey Knights(100), Psycannon(10), Justicar with Nemesis Daemon Hammer(10) in Transport 1 [(120)pts]

Troop 2 : 5x Grey Knights(100), Psycannon(10), Justicar with Nemesis Daemon Hammer(10) in Transport 2 [(120)pts]

Troop 3 : 5x Grey Knights(100), Psycannon(10), Justicar with Nemesis Daemon Hammer(10) in Transport 3 [(120)pts]

HS1: Dreadnought(115), Twin-linked Autocannon(10),Twin-linked Autocannon(5), Psybolt ammunition(5) [(135)pts]

HS2: Dreadnought(115), Twin-linked Autocannon(10),Twin-linked Autocannon(5), Psybolt ammunition(5) [(135)pts]

HS3: Land Raider(255), Multi-melta(10) [(265)pts]

Transport1 : Razorback(45), Psybolt ammunition(5), Troop1 [(50)pts]

Transport2 : Razorback(45), Psybolt ammunition(5), Troop2 [(50)pts]

Transport3 : Rhino(40), Dozer blade(5), Troop3 [(45)pts]

TOTAL [(1750)pts]

PLAYER 8: (Anders, Erestam)

ARMY DESCRIPTION : (codex: Space Marines)

HQ1 : Librarian (100), Bolt pistol [0] Null Zone, Gate of Infinity [100pts]

Elite1 : Terminator Assault Squad (200), thunder hammer and storm shield*5, Transport1 [200pts]

Elite2 : Ironclad Dreadnought (135), Transport2 [135pts]

Troop 1 : Tactical squad (90), 5 additional marines (80), meltagun (5), lascannon (10), combi-melta (10), Transport3 [195pts]

Troop 1 : Tactical squad (90), 5 additional marines (80), meltagun (5), missile launcher (0), combi-melta (10), Transport4 [185pts]

FA1: Attackbike (40), Multimelta (10) [50pts]

FA2: Attackbike (40), Multimelta (10) [50pts]

FA3: Land speeders*2 (100), Typhoon missile launcher*2 (80) [180pts]

HS1: Thunderfire cannon (100) [100pts]

HS2: Predator (60), heavy bolter side sponson (25) [85pts]

HS3: Predator (60), heavy bolter side sponson (25) [85pts]

Transport1 : Landraider (250), Multimelta (10), Elite1 [260pts]

Transport2 : Drop pod (35), locator beacon (10), Elite1 [45pts]

Transport3 : Rhino(35), dozer blades (5), Troop1 [40pts]

Transport4 : Rhino(35), dozer blades (5), Troop2 [40pts]

TOTAL [1750pts]

Die Schweden haben ja letztes Jahr aufhorchen lassen mit einem kompromisslosen Aggro-Prinzip das seines gleich gesucht hat: Doppelrat, Doppelbossbiker,... Da wurde nicht lang gefackelt, da ging es nur nach vorne! Vergleichsweise bieder sind daher ihre Listen heuer.

Die Imps sind so Standard wie nur was, daher erpar ich mir hier weitere Worte. Interessanter sind da schon die Eldar, welche ohne Rat und dafür mit Avatar auftauchen. Ein wie mir scheint etwas gewagtes Konzept am ETC, aber ich lasse mich natürlich gerne eines besseren belehren.

Die Wölfe bauen ähnlich den Deutschen auf einen Wolfslord, diesmal allerdings mit kleinem Wolvestar dazu damit er nicht so alleine ist und natürlich massig Longfangs. So ganz ohne Aggro gehts halt doch nicht ;)

Ein wenig seltsamer mutet hier schon die BA Liste an, zumal der Raider richtig schön exponiert ist als einziges Fahrzeug in der Liste. Ob die vielen Trikes statt der Preds der Schlüssel zum Erfolg sind? FNP haben sie ja zumindest. Auf jeden Fall eine unangenehme Liste da sie nicht nur sehr schnell sind sondern auch noch alle FNP haben- hier ist Vorsicht geboten!

Weniger spannend sind da schon wieder die Orks, welche neben 5 Battlewagons anstatt mehr Orks zu nehmen auf Buggies setzen. Fraglich ist lediglich ob da alles in 6" sein wird? ;) Errata ahoi...

Ebenfalls sehr Standard sind die Dark Eldar (9 Venoms, welch Überraschung) und die Marines (ein bunter Mischmasch einfach, Setzliste zum Quadrat eben)

Damit sind wir auch schon bei der letzten Liste, den Grey Knights welche nicht wie sonst überall 3 Bots mithaben sondern 4, alle natürlich mit doppel Maschka. Dazu packen sie, für mich unverständlich, einen Land Raider. Was auch immer der soll, ein weiterer Bot und mehr Puris wären besser gewesen!

Mein Fazit daher: Für ganz oben wird es wieder nicht reichen, aber da sie sehr gute Spieler an der Hand haben ist ein Platz in den Top 5 drin. Fürs Treppchen wird es ganz eng werden, dazu sind die Listen fast schon ein wenig zu normal...


PLAYER 1: (Jakub “Vladdi” Podruczny)


HQ 1: Cannoness+8x Celestian Retinue+Priest (Total 346) including:

Cannoness (45), Book of St. Lucius (5), Litanies of Faith (25), Mantle of Ophelia (15), Eviscerator (25)

Celestian Bodyguard x 7 (8x13), 2 x Flamer (2x6)

Veteran Sister Superior (13+10), Eviscerator (25), Brazier of Holy Fire (10)

Priest Eviscerator (25), Carapace Armour (5)

HQ 2: Inquisitor Lord (45) Psychic Hood (20), Excruciators (5); 3 x Warrior (3x10), 3 x plasmagun (3 x10) Total 130 in Transport 1.

Troops 1: 5 x Storm Troopers (5x10), 2 x plasmagun (2x10) Total 70

Troops 2: 5 x Storm Troopers (5x10), 2 x plasmagun (2x10) Total 70

Troops 3: Platoon Command Squad (30), 4 x meltagun (4x10) Total 70 in Transport 2

Troops 4: Infantry Squad (50) Autocannon (10) Total 60 in Transport 3

Troops 5: Infantry Squad (50) Autocannon (10) Total 60 in Transport 4

Troops 6: Infantry Squad (50) Autocannon (10) Total 60 in Transport 5

HS 1: Exorcist 135

HS 2: Exorcist 135

HS 3: Exorcist 135

Transport 1: Land Rider (250) Extra Armour (5), Smoke Lunchers (3) Total 258

Transport 2: Chimera Heavy Bolter 55

Transport 3: Chimera Heavy Bolter 55

Transport 4: Chimera Heavy Bolter 55

Transport 5: Chimera Heavy Bolter 55

Total: [1749pts]


PLAYER 2: Piotr "Emeryt" Jaworski


HQ1 : Warboss, Bike, Power Klaw, Cybork Body, Attack Squig, Kombi-Skorcha [155pts]

HQ2 : Big Mek, Kombi-Rokkit (5pts), Kustom Force Field (50pts), Ammo Runt (3pts) [93pts]

Troop 1 : 30 Slugga Boyz (180pts), 2xRokkit Launcha (20pts), Nob (10) with Power Klaw (25pts), Bosspole (5pts), Rokkit Launcha (10pts) [250pts]

Troop 2 : 30 Slugga Boyz (180pts), 2xRokkit Launcha (20pts), Nob (10) with Power Klaw (25pts), Bosspole (5pts), Rokkit Launcha (10pts) [250pts]

Troop 3 : 30 Slugga Boyz (180pts), 2xRokkit Launcha (20pts), Nob (10) with Power Klaw (25pts), Bosspole (5pts), Rokkit Launcha (10pts) [250pts]

Troop 4 : 30 Shoota Boyz (180pts), 2xRokkit Launcha (20pts), Nob (10) with Power Klaw (25pts), Bosspole (5pts), Rokkit Launcha (10pts) [250pts]

Troop 5 : 25 Shoota Boyz (150pts), Rokkit Launcha (10pts), Nob (10) with Power Klaw (25pts), Bosspole (5pts), Rokkit Launcha (10pts) [210pts]

Troop 6 : 10 Gretchin (30pts), Runtherd (10pts) [40pts]

HS1: 3 Big Gunz (60pts), 3xLobba (15pts), 3xAmmo Runt (9pts) [84pts]

HS2: 3 Big Gunz (60pts), 3xLobba (15pts), 3xAmmo Runt (9pts) [84pts]

HS3: 3 Big Gunz (60pts), 3xLobba (15pts), 3xAmmo Runt (9pts) [84pts]

TOTAL [1750pts]


PLAYER 3: (Krzysztof 'Raca' Radzki)


HQ1 : Rune Priest(100): Jaws of the World Wolf, Living Lightning, Chooser of the Slain (10), Wolf Tail Talisman(5) = [115Pts]

HQ2 : Rune Priest(100): Murderous Hurricane, Living Lightning, Chooser of the Slain(10)=[110Pts]

Elite1 : 5xWolf Guards(5x18):

4xPower Fist (4x20)+4xCombi Melta (4x5),

1x Terminatour Armour(15)+Cyclone Missile Launcher(30)+Power Fist(10)=[245Pts]

in Transport1

Elite2 : 5xScouts Squad(5x15): Meltagun(10)=[85Pts]

Troop1: 7xGrey Hunters (7x15), Wolf Standard (10), Melta Gun (5) in Transport2=[120Pts]

Troop2: 7xGrey Hunters (7x15), Wolf Standard (10), Melta Gun (5) in Transport3=[120Pts]

Troop3: 7xGrey Hunters (7x15), Wolf Standard (10), Melta Gun (5) in Transport4=[120Pts]

Troop4: 5xGrey Hunters (5x15), Standard(10), Flamer(0) in Transport5=[85Pts]

HS1: 4xLong Fangs (4x15), 3 x Missile Launcher (3x10) in Transport6=[90Pts]

HS2: 4xLong Fangs (4x15), 3 x Missile Launcher (3x10) in Transport7=[90Pts]

HS3: 4xLong Fangs (4x15), 3 x Missile Launcher (3x10) in Transport8=[90Pts]

Transport1: Razorback(40): Lascannon and tl plasma gun(35)=[75Pts], Elite 1

Transport2: Rhino=[35Pts], Troop1

Transport3: Rhino=[35Pts], Troop2

Transport4: Rhino=[35Pts], Troop3

Transport5: Razorback(40): Lascannon and tl plasma gun(35)=[75Pts], Troop4

Transport6: Razorback(40): Lascannon and tl plasma gun(35)=[75Pts], HS1

Transport7: Razorback(40): Lascannon and tl plasma gun(35)=[75Pts], HS2

Transport8: Razorback(40): Lascannon and tl plasma gun(35)=[75Pts], HS3

TOTAL [1750Pts]


PLAYER 4: Krzysztof "Zły" Białek


HQ1 : Librarian[150], Shrouding[5], Sanctuary[5], Might of Titan[5] - 165pts

HQ2 : Ordo Xenos Inquisitor[25], Psychotrope Grenades[15], Rad Grenades[15], 3 x Servo Skull[3x3] - 64pts

Elite1 : 10 Purifiers[10x24], 4 x Psycannon[4x10], 4 x Nemesis Halabard[4x2], 2 x Deamon Hammer[2x5] - 298pts in transport[1]i

Elite2 : Inquisitorial Henchmen Band, 9 x Deathcult Assasing[9x15] - 135pts in transport[4]

Troop 1 : 10 Grey Knights Strike Squad[10x20], 2 x Psycannon[2x10], Psybolt ammo[20] - 240pts in transport[2]

Troop 2 : 5 Grey Knights Strike Squad[5x20], Psycannon[10] - 110pts in transport[3]

HS1: Land Raider Redeemer[245], Multimelta[10], Psybolt ammo[5] - 260pts

HS2: Dreadnought[115], 2 x TLAC[10+5], Psybolt ammo[5] - 135pts

HS3: Dreadnought[115], 2 x TLAC[10+5], Psybolt ammo[5] - 135pts

Transport1 : Razorback with TL Heavy Bolter[45], Psybolt ammo[5] - Troops1 [50pts]

Transport2 : Razorback with TL Heavy Bolter[45], Psybolt ammo[5] - Troops2 [50pts]

Transport3 : Razorback with TL Heavy Bolter[45], Psybolt ammo[5] - Elite1 [50pts]

Transport4 : Chimera - Elite 2 [55pts]

TOTAL [1747]


PLAYER 5: Jakub “Skark” Wichrowski


HQ 1: CCS: x3 melta, sztandar, power fist (110) in [transport 1]

HQ 2: CCS: x4 melta, power fist (105) in [transport 2]

TROOPS 1: PCS: x4 melta (70) in [transport 3]

TROOPS 2: PCS: x4 melta (70) in [transport 4]

TROOPS 3: Infantry sqad: melta, melta bomb, x2 power weapon, commisarz (125)

TROOPS 4: Infantry sqad: lascannon, melta, power weapon (90)

TROOPS 5: Infantry sqad: lascannon, power weapon (80)

TROOPS 6: Infantry sqad: lascannon (70)

TROOPS 7: Infantry sqad: lascannon (70)

ELITE 1: Psyker x6 (80) in [transport 5]

HEAVY 1: Hydra x3 (225)

HEAVY 2: Hydra x3 (225)

HEAVY 3: Manticora (160)

TRANSPORT 1: Chimera: HB [55]

TRANSPORT 2: Chimera: HB [55]

TRANSPORT 3: Chimera: HB [55]

TRANSPORT 4: Chimera: HB [55]

TRANSPORT 5: Chimera: HB [55]

Total: 1750


PLAYER 6: Emanuel "Eman" Furmanczyk


HQ1: Librarian, Unleash Rage, Fear of the Darkness [100pts]

Elite1: Sanguinary Priest [50pts]

Elite2: Furioso Dreadnaught, Blood Talons [125pts]

Elite3: Terminator Assault Squad, 5xTerminator, 3xThunder Hammer & Storm Shield (15pts) in Dedicated Transport #1 [215 pts]

Troop1: Assault Squad, 7xAssault Marine, Meltagun (10pts), Power Fist (25pts) in Dedicated Transport #2 [171pts]

Troop2: Assault Squad, 5xAssault Marine, Lightning Claw (15pts) in Dedicated Transport #3 [115pts]

Troop3: Assault Squad, 5xAssault Marine, Meltagun (10pts) in Dedicated Transport #4 [110pts]

Troop4: Scout Squad, 5xBolt Pistol & Close Combat Weapon [75pts]

HS1: Predator, Lascannon Sponsons (65pts) [135pts]

HS2: Predator, Lascannon Sponsons (65pts) [135pts]

HS3: Predator, Lascannon Sponsons (65pts) [135pts]

Transport1: Land Raider Redeemer, Multimelta (10pts), Searchlight (1pts) [251pts]

Transport2: Rhino, Dozer Blade (5pts), Searchlight (1pts) [21pts]

Transport3: Razorback, Lascannon & Twin Linked Plasmagun (35pts), Searchlight (1pts) [56pts]

Transport4: Razorback, Lascannon & Twin Linked Plasmagun (35pts), Searchlight (1pts) [56pts]

TOTAL [1750pts]


Player 7: Mariusz "Marios" Krakowczyk

ARMY DESCRIPTION : Chaos Space Marines

HQ1 : Deamon Prince(110): Wings(20), Mark of Slaanesh(5), Lash of Submission(20) [Total 155]

HQ2 : Deamon Prince(110): Wings(20), Mark of Slaanesh(5), Lash of Submission(20) [Total 155]

Elite1 : 3 Chaos Terminators(30):

1st: Reaper Autocannon(25)+Power Fist(10),

2nd: Combi-Plasma(5),

3rd: Power FIst(10)

[Total 130] in Transport 1

Troop 1 : 8 Khorne Berserkers(21) [Total 168]

Troop 2 : 5 Plague Marines(23): 2 Meltaguns (2*10) [Total 135] in transport 2

Troop 3 : 5 Chaos Space Marines(15) [Total 75]

HS1: 3 Obliterators(75) [Total 225]

HS2: 3 Obliterators(75) [Total 225]

HS3: 3 Obliterators(75) [Total 225]

Transport1 : Land Raider(220) for Elite 1 [Total 220]

Transport2 : Chaos Rhino(35) for Troop 2 [Total 35]

[Total Army Cost: 1748]


Player 8: Maciej “Nazroth” Kulesza

Army Description: Codex Space Marines

HQ1: Space Marine Librarian (100) Null Zone (0) The Gate of infinity (0) [100]

Elite1: Terminator Assault Squad (200) 5x thunder hammer and storm shield (0x5) Transported via T1 [200]

Elite2: Dreadnought (105) 2x Twin-linked Autocannon (2x10) [125]

Elite3: Dreadnought (105) 2x Twin-linked Autocannon (2x10) [125]

Troop1: Tactical Squad (90) 5x additonal Space Marines (16x5) Sergeant with Combi-melta (10), melta (5), lascannon (10) Transported via T2 [195]

Troop2: Tactical Squad (90) 5x additonal Space Marines (16x5) Sergeant with Power Fist & Combi-melta (35), melta (5), lascannon (10) Transported via T3 [220]

FA1: Attack Bike Squad (40) 1x additional Attack Bike (40) 2x Multimelta (2x10) [100]

HV1: Predator (60) side sponsons with lascannons (60) [120]

HV2: Predator (60) side sponsons with lascannons (60) [120]

HV3: Thunderfire Cannon [100]

Transport1: Land Raider Redeemer (240) Extra Armour (15), Multimelta (10) Transports Assault Terminator Squad E1 [265]

Transport2: Razorback Transports Tactical Squad T1 [40] Troop1

Transport3: Razorback Transports Tactical Squad T2 [40] Troop2

TOTAL [1750pts]

Auch die Polen setzen auf Witchhunters, diesmal allerdings zumindest mit einer(!!) Schwester. Was der Raider darin soll ist mir zwar ein wenig ein Rätsel, allerdings ist der zumindest durch die Chimären ein wenig geschützt. Dazu noch die klassischen 3 Exorzisten und man erhält eine wirklich gute Liste, da kann man nix sagen.

Bei den Orks wird ähnlich unserer Liste auf Masse gesetzt, wenngleich hier auf Kannen verzichtet wird und stattdessen 9 Kanonen mitkommen. Find ich gut kann ich nur sagen :)

Während die Space Wolves dann schon wieder sehr "Mainstream" sind (einzig die vielen Razorbacks sind etwas ungewohnt bei den Wölfen), besticht die Grey Knight Liste wieder mit einem Novum: einer großen Einheit Todeskultassassinen in einer Chimäre. Hier sieht man auch sehr deutlich das sich zwar bereits der Rahmen gefunden hat (3 Bots,Scriptor und bei Möglichkeit viele Psikanonen), jede Liste aber unterschiedlich ist. Etwas, das man bei Chaos zb vergeblich suchen wird!

Die Imps können ebenfalls mit einer Überraschung aufwarten: KEINE Vendettas...dafür aber 6 Hydren und immer noch genug Beschuss um die meisten Panzer zu knacken.

Bei den BA gibt es wie bei den meisten Listen den Raider mit Termis drin, dazu werden diesmal 3 Preds und ein paar Las/Plas Razorbacks serviert. Nichts was man nicht schon gesehen hätte :)

Die Chaosliste ist dann ebenfalls nichts neues, einzig die Mitnahme von Berserkern erstaunt ein wenig. Ist aber eine gute Variante um Orks klein zu bekommen abseits vom Beschuss!

Bleibt zum Schluss wieder die Marine Liste mit dem klassischen Termis im Raider(hier immerhin mal ein Redeemer) und Razorbacks/Thunderfire Mischmasch. Vermutlich wie bei den anderen Marines die Liste die entweder in der Secret landet oder als erste gesetzt wird.

Fazit: Wie schon die Deutschen wird auch hier auf Dark Eldar verzichtet, ebenso auf Tyraniden (was mich erstaunt). Man könnte fast meinen das sie sich hier abgesprochen haben zumal beide auf Witchhunter setzen und eher ungewöhnliche IG-Builds ins Feld führen (also ungewöhnlich zu den normalen 0815 Listen)

Das sie mit diesen Listen und den dazu passenden Spielern ganz oben sein werden ist daher von meiner Seite aus zu erwarten!!